6.1 Survey Questions
1. How old are you? (Required) | | |
15-20 | 3% | |
21-25 | 75% | |
26-30 | 17% | |
31-35 | 3% | |
36 & above | 2% | |
60 | |
2. What is your gender? (Required) | | |
Male | 47% | |
Female | 53% | |
60 | |
3. Marital Status? (Required) | | |
Single | 64% | |
Married | 13% | |
Divorced | 0 | 0% |
In a Relationship | 23% | |
Widowed | 0 | 0% |
61 | |
4. What is your ethnicity? (Required) | | |
Malay | 87% | |
Chinese | 5% | |
Indian | 5% | |
Others | 3% | |
60 | |
5. What is your occupation? (Required) | | |
Student | 47% | |
Part-timer | 10% | |
Blue collar worker | 10% | |
White collar worker | 11% | |
Retired | 0 | 0% |
Others | 23% | |
62 | |
The Survey
6. What is your income range? (Required) | | |
less than RM500 | 34% | |
RM500-RM1000 | 18% | |
RM1000-RM2500 | 34% | |
RM2500-RM5000 | 8% | |
more than RM5000 | 5% | |
61 | |
7. Where do you live? (Required) | | |
Urban | 70% | |
Sub-urban | 23% | |
Rural | 7% | |
61 | |
8. Are you familiar with the Ministry of Women, Family And Community Development (MWFCD) ? (Required) | | |
Yes | 59% | |
No | 41% | |
63 | |
9. If YES, how did you come to know about it? (Required) | | |
Friends and relatives | 18% | |
Handouts, flyers, leaftlets, posters etc. | 7% | |
Newspapers and magazines | 17% | |
Website, online advertising, blogs, forum | 18% | |
TV, Audio Visual Media, Radio | 24% | |
Others | 17% | |
89 | |
10. Did you know that MWFCD has been actively committed to confronting the baby dumping? (Required) | | |
Yes | 39% | |
No | 61% | |
59 | |
The Survey
12. Are you supportive of the organization's work, campaigns and events? (Required) | | | ||
Yes | 75% | |||
No | 25% | |||
60 | | |||
13. In your opinion, what is the most effective method to promote the campaign for this organization (MWFCD) ? (Required) | | | ||
Exhibitions,showrooms, road shows, kiosks, etc. | 21% | |||
TV Commercials, Promos, Radio Ads, Screenings, etc. | 34% | |||
Internet : Websites, portal, community, etc. | 17% | |||
Print Ads : Newspaper, magazines, billboards, flyers, etc. | 16% | |||
Mobile : SMS alerts, MMS updates, etc. | 11% | |||
134 | |
14. Are you a Johnson’s Baby customer? (Required) | | |
Yes | 30% | |
No | 70% | |
60 | |
15. What is your opinion of Johnson’s Baby? (Required) | | | ||
Good | 42% | |||
Bad | 2% | |||
Neutral | 57% | |||
60 | |
16. Did you know that Johnson’s Baby has been actively involved in contributing towards the community? (Required) | | | ||
Yes | 32% | |||
No | 68% | |||
60 | |
The Survey
17. If NO, now that you know about it, does it change your perception towards Johnson’s Baby? (Required) | | | ||
Yes | 53% | |||
No | 47% | |||
60 | |
18. Would you support campaigns sponsored by Johnson’s Baby? (Required) | | | ||
Yes | 30% | |||
No | 8% | |||
Neutral - Doesn't matter who the sponsor is, I'll still support the campaign | 62% | |||
61 | |
After completing the survey analysis, I’ve found that only small group of them are familiar with this organization and most of them had a basic to near complete understanding of what exactly this ministry do is actually to confront baby dumping cases. But overall there is not enough exposure about this ministry.
Almost 75% of the respondents will support in anything that this ministry do, especially campaigns and events.Most of them thinks that TV Commercials, Promos, Radio Ads, Screenings, etc will be the most effective method to promote the campaigns and events since most of them familiar with this ministry through that medium.
I also found that most of the respondents thinks that MWFCD is good but still lack of supports from public and should be more efficient in handling women issues. Most of them suggest that MWFCD should provide more campaigns and events that will help open up other peoples mind continuously.
For Johnson’s Baby most of the respondents are not Johnson’s Baby customer, but still will support any campaigns and events , doesnt matter who the sponsor is.