Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Analysis

Chapter 2: The Analysis

2.1 Baby Dumping and Teenagers

The problem of teenage pregnancy out of wedlock is closely linked with the problem of the abandoned babies. There are a few reasons why teenagers were influence to dump their baby; they were ashamed to face the public because they carried a wedlock baby. Another reason is they doing it out of fear. They are afraid to tell anyone in their family or friends. That pregnancy might not happen only if studies were prioritized rather than having relationships with the opposite sex. Men irresponsibility also contributes to the women’s decision to dump the baby. If they were still together they might be save the baby.

The lives of teenagers nowadays, are too free without parent’s control also contributed to baby dumping. Every boy and girl has to know their limitation of relationship. We can be friend with anyone but do not go too far when we be friend with the different gender. Parents should take seriously role to prevent their son and daughter from social problem. Baby dumping could avoid if their children have awareness about the dangerous of baby dumping. It could ruin their future and kill in sinned baby.

2.2 The Effect of Baby Dumping

Effects on individual

The effect of individuals is cause by illegal way of aborting the child and left a bad effect on them because of the wrong path, they use to abort the baby just like herbs and alcoholic substances. So, the individual will have high risk of death caused by bleeding and infection on mother’s wombs. The effects of abortion also can cause psychological effects on the mental and emotions after marriage, especially depression, especially when age is often thought of as the content is never removed.

2.2.2 Effects on baby

The baby mortality rate is higher due to medical care is not perfect and according to statistics baby mortality by irresponsible person in 2 years ago, had increased 135 case from 2008 to 2009. The baby will get a problem if they want to marry because there is no guardian and difficult for schools because there is no birth registration.

2.2.3 Effects on society

The cause of abortion will be mimicked by others. Most cases of baby dumping in the country are using the same way that remove a newborn baby into trash. This show there is replication of their cruel way to remove the baby into the trash. These cases are become wide because every day in every front page of newspaper baby dumping were reported. It will bring negative view from the society.


The Analysis

2.3 The Prevention of Baby Dumping

To prevent baby dumping, it is therefore ultimately necessary to educate individuals about sexuality. We support age-appropriate comprehensive sexuality education and recommends that schools and communities provide comprehensive sexuality education to all youth and families. Communities should examine their capacity to provide the range of supports and services needed by individuals experiencing unwanted pregnancies. These services must also be publicized; people cannot use services that they do not know about.

Finally, education efforts should strive to increase communication among youth, families, and communities. Increased communication may minimize the shame and secrecy associated with an unwanted pregnancy and make young people more likely to take advantage of supports and services in their families and communities.Having sex after marriage is safer and it can reduce the abortion and baby dumping rate. It also helps us be more responsible and not to have sex just to satisfy our lust.

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